

EMG UK Code of Conduct & Ethics Standards

Established in 2007

EMG believes that the reputability, conscience and level of professionalism within the talent, modelling and entertainment industry is of paramount importance. . 

We work by the ethos of respect, loyalty, integrity, honesty and strong communication. 
Commitment to fair business practices
Commitment to honest business practices 
Respecting the confidentiality of information entrusted to the company 
Obeying the rule of law

1. The agency  will act in the best interest of their client(s).

2. Agents are obliged to comply with GDPR legislation, and to notify clients of the purpose for which Personal Data is processed.

3. Total confidentiality will be maintained in respect of personal contact details of clients, subject only to the following exceptions:

a) Disclosures with the express permission of the client(s). b) Disclosures which lead the organisation to believe that serious harm may befall a third party. c) Disclosures that would leave the agent or client liable to civil or criminal court procedure if not disclosed.

4. Child Models: Every child model registered by an agent will be licensed by their local borough council. This is a requirement under law Children and Young Persons Act 1963, The Children’s (Performances) Regulations 1968 and Television Act 1964. Any child models pictures displayed on an internet website are required to be either resized or password controlled.
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